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Current location:Home > Industry news- China's development of large - scale casting machinery - shot blasting machine
- 2019/4/8 Reading frequency:[1755]
Large casting machinery is a point at present in China, it is also one of measure the standard of Chinese forging industry level, large casting machine workbench is metal melting into liquid and conform to the request must be poured into the mold, after cooling condensation, men get a booking shape, dimension and function of technology process of casting. Shot blasting machine table production is different from other technology features, mainly adaptability, need data and equipment, pollution environment. Forging production will produce dust, harmful gas and noise pollution to the environment, compared with other mechanical production technology is more serious, the need to adopt environmental protection measures to control.
Therefore, the development of large shot blasting machine casting profession is the foundation of carrying out China's high-end manufacturing, but also one of the pillar industries of the advancing national economy. In May 2009, the state council issued the equipment manufacturing adjustment and recovery plan, which clearly put forward the key points of carrying out serious technical equipment supporting large castings. As a key part of serious technical equipment, the worktable of large cast iron shot blasting machine has high requirements for internal stress, ability to adhere to the scale accuracy, rigidity, wear resistance, etc. Therefore, with more strict technical standards and safety standards, the quality and reliability of the large shot blasting machine table directly affect the service life and work functions of the supporting mainframe.
Industry insiders calculate that with the development of electric power, metallurgy, petrochemical, shipbuilding profession, the need for large castings will continue to increase. Large shot blasting machine table casting market needs will continue to rise. Although China's shot blasting machine casting industry has always been committed to stand on its own feet, it is far from the mature industry of the prosperous country. In recent years, the strong attack of foreign high-end brands has intensified the internal and external troubles of China's foundry industry. Therefore, if China's shot blasting machine casting industry wants to gain a foothold in foreign markets, it must start from product quality.
The technological level of shot blasting machine industry in China needs to be different
China's foundry industry is heading for a new period. This is not only a new beginning for China's foundry industry, but also a new stage for the transformation of forging industry from quantity to quality. Therefore, the machine table is the main propulsive force of forging industry, so the propulsive force can not be ignored.
At present, China's industrial development has achieved a certain effect, in the continued smooth development. China shot blasting machine industrial market a development speed in advance, shot blasting machine output has been added. However, this is only China's foundry industry in the industrial planning of the effect, this does not clarify that China's shot blasting machine industry is the world's shot blasting machine table occupation can not be compared.
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